Relatively Intact Forest Landscapes - US (2002)

Oct 13, 2010 (Last modified Jul 27, 2011)
Habitat loss and fragmentation is the most important factor in the loss of native biodiversity and ecological function of forested ecosystems. Using primarily Landsat TM based NLCD (National Land Cover Data) information on 1:100,000 scale USGS road data sets, we assessed relative forest intactness for 39 forested ecoregions of the conterminous United States. Forest intactness was mapped according to landunits that were defined by major highways and urban areas that contained more than 50,000 people. For each landunit, road density was calculated to create an overall relative forest intactness score. By assigning all dataset, this study 1) identified remaining relatively intact forest 2) identified landunits that may make good restoration candidates from a regional context and 3) examined forest fragmentation due to roads which has been omitted from other recent national assessments.
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Conservation Biology Institute
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Conservation Biology Institute
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