MC1 Vegetation Stability in the Greater Puget Sound

Nov 30, 2011
Uploaded by Jessica Leonard
Vegetation stability gradient derived from the MC1 vegetatation layer created by the USFS PNW Research Station MAPSS team. We used the MC1 model to explore where conditions might remain stable enough to continue to support historic types of dominant vegetation. Areas of highest are areas that are expected to retain the same dominant type of vegetation from the historic period (1961-1990) through late-century (2075-85), with agreement among all three models. Areas of lowest are areas expected to shift from one type of vegetation to another, as early as 2035-45, with agreement among all three models. Areas that showed little agreement among models are shown as "uncertainty."
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Geos Institute
Content date:
not specified
Spatial Resolution:
0.083343505859375 (degree)
Contact Organization:
 Geos Institute
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Downloaded by 2 Members
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About the Uploader

Jessica Leonard
Geospatial Analyst with Geos Institute

Geospatial Analyst at the Geos Instititute, which uses the best available science to predict and prepare for a changing climate.