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This map layer portrays major dams of the United States, including
Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The map layer was created by
extracting dams 50 feet or more in height, or with a normal storage
capacity of 5,000 acre-feet or more, or with a maximum storage capacity
of 25,000 acre-feet or more, from the 79,777 dams in the U.S. Army Corps
of Engineers National Inventory of Dams. This is a replacement for the
April 1994 map layer.
Data Provided By:
National Atlas of the United States
Content date:
Title: Major Dams of the United States, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands Credits: National Atlas of the United States Publication Date: 200603 Publisher: National Atlas of the United States Online Linkages:
None. Acknowledgment of the National Atlas of the United States of America
would be appreciated in products derived from these data.
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